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CAPACon 2023 Speakers

Thursday, October 5

Curtis Fowler, PA-C

A Primary Care Provider Guide to Heart Failure



Aesthetic Medicine & Neuromodulator Techniques

Instructor: Carlitos Chen, PA-C

By learning aesthetic medicine, specifically neuromodulators and other minimally invasive procedures PAs can make themselves more marketable across all fields. Either through the utilization of these techniques or knowing how to recognize and treat the complications associated with these procedures.

Friday, October 6 | 8:30 AM | Credit: 3.0 CME


Common Orthopedic Injection Techniques

Instructor: Raymond Contino, PA-C

Musculoskeletal aches and injuries are one of the most common reasons people seek medical attention each year. PAs see a large portion of this volume in their clinics and provide a pivotal role in managing musculoskeletal conditions. Conditions can often be treated and cured with injections. Understanding proper technique and pitfalls will help further provide excellent care.

Friday, October 6 | 1:30 PM | Credit: 3.0 CME


Elevating Suturing Basics

Instructor: Scott Martin, PA-C

This workshop aims to improve the techniques and aesthetics of common surgical procedures expected of PAs in general surgery, emergency medicine, urgent care, and basic orthopedics.

Saturday, October 7 | 8:30 AM | Credit: 3.0 CME


Accurate Reading & Use of Ultrasound

Instructor: Scott Martin, PA-C

The average PA often times has limited to no knowledge of ultrasound and can better utilize it for the benefit of their patients. Ultrasound can help direct workup or even completely change the management in the acute care setting. PAs attending this workshop will understand the basic functions of the ultrasound machine and perform various exams.

Saturday, October 7 | 2:00 PM | Credit: 2.0 CME


Diabetes Management and Technology

Instructor: Ji Chun (CJ), PA-C

Continuous rise in prevalence of diabetes and its complications are big threat to healthcare system. PAs play crucial role in diabetes management and staying up to date with latest management guidelines and advancing technology, such as continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), will allow PAs to provide optimal care to patients with diabetes.